
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lead Generation Canada

This is an on-line lead generation resource that was developed by Nathan Dickerson and myself.  The introduction is provided here for your convenience.  Please take advantage of the experience and knowleadge that went into this site and the information presented there.  You will save time and money by doing so!

Lead Generation Canada is your online information source for learning how to use the internet to generate sales leads. Whether you are just starting out, or are planning to migrate your existing business online, at Lead Generation Canada, our goal is to help you learn and understand the online sales and marketing process.
Lead Generation Canada is divided into two main sections the education center and the resource center.

Our Education center is dedicated to providing you with tutorials and articles on the methodologies used to generate online leads and sales.

Our Resource center is an ever growing and changing section providing online resources you need to apply the the methods in the education center and generate leads online.

If you are run an existing business and are looking for a lead solution, check out our survey and see if the Lead Generation Team can help your business.

Thank you for investing your time with Nathan and I.  Should you like to contact Nathan for his advanced internet and web site experience, please call me at 604.308.2450.

Thank you.


Ken Flanders
New Business Navigators

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Generating leads is a an art not everyone can do this, better not waste time and hire the services of professional telemarketing company.