
Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Gets Measured Gets Done

This is a very simple idea that will help focus any company’s sales process and in-turn help improves sales.  You must track and understand your company’s sales activities and results; what gets measured gets done!

This is an example of an outbound sales representative’s activities and results based on my experience:

2000      2012              Activity
  25        100           Outbound Contacts to Suspects
  10         20            Direct Contacts with Prospects
   3           3            Proposals/Close Calls
   1           1            Sales

Even from this simple model you can see the dramatic change in how the marketplace is responding to a direct sales program. It now takes representatives four times as many contacts to generate the same amount of sales. Thus you have to ask, is this dramatic change a result of sales or marketing efforts or both?  This leads to the question, are you tracking your marketing activities and results?

So here is the point; sales are a sub-function of marketing but they are not mutually exclusive. Sales and marketing programs need to be fully integrated.  This one-two combination is what it takes to drive sales activities that in turn drive profitable sales.

At New Business Navigators we help integrate sales and marketing activities.  It is not difficult work but it is very time consuming.  Think of it like accounting, you need the information to make the proper decisions but you do not need to do the work. Therefore if you have outsourced your accounting, then it is the right time to outsource your sales and marketing programs.  This will allow you the opportunity to make the decisions that will grow your business faster and more profitably.

If you are currently looking for a CRM solution to help with your sales process then please review the solution offered by Zoho.  This lead is from Liquid Capital Pacific Corporation's newsletter, written by Dan Effa, President.  This is one of many CRM solutions and appears to be a very cost effective. 

For better business results tomorrow, contact New Business Navigators today!

Thank you.


Ken Flanders
General Manager
New Business Navigators

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