
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Data Acquisition For Brand Marketers

Data acquisition today is moving beyond collecting Likes on Facebook or followers on Twitter. It’s no longer enough to collect numbers of consumers as a score, our clients want numbers that will drive strategy. Collecting the right data allows your brand to shorten the time between customer action and a perfectly targeted brand response.

But to get there, you need your customers to opt-in, here are three ways to get them in the door.


On average, over 40% of chance-to-win registrants opt in to brand communications which make Sweepstakes an ideal option for brands looking for data acquisition.

Sweepstakes are pretty straightforward, winners are randomly drawn from a pool of entries at the end of a promotion period. The entry process allows your brand to collect key data points from consumers during the registration process helping to inform your marketing strategy.

For consumers, the chance to win a big prize is an exciting enough incentive to opt-in and consumers love to tell friends about a chance to win. This doubles your opportunity for data acquisition by expanding your reach.

Check out how Trulia gave away a house to drive engagement.

Instant Win Games

Like sweepstakes, instant win games encourage consumer brand communication opt-ins, and have the added benefit of repeat interaction. The instant win game gives consumers a greater chance of winning an offer or a prize over a grand prize sweepstakes entry. For brands an instant win game means more time spent with your brand, a greater perception of winning which leads to a greater viral spread to new targets as your audience enthusiastically shares your contest.

Personality Test

Using a quiz is a way to engage consumers by helping them identify their style or a personality trait all while building brand recognition. A creative personality test is fun and engaging for the audience and also highly shareable across social networks. Brands benefit because purchase rates increase when consumers are given personalized product recommendations based on their answers and the test format provides ample opportunity for brands to collect robust and customizable data about their audience.

This is Part 1 in our series Using Promotional Tactics To Reach Marketing Goals. Join us next week when we’ll discuss what tactics will drive brand engagement with your consumers.

Written by Melissa Summers
Source: Hello World

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